The Pelvic Floor Bible by Jane Simpson The ultimate guide to pelvic floor rehabilitation for everyone
My Story
I am the author of The Pelvic Floor Bible which is hoping to start a global pelvic floor revolution! I am completely passionate about pelvic floor health for men and women. It's time that this hugely important subject stopped being so taboo. I have spent 25 years caring for people with pelvic floor dysfunction at The London Clinic and it's time to spread the word.

The Pelvic Floor Bible is a book designed to help men and women to understand their bodies better and to sort out what can be very embarrassing and distressing problems.
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The Pelvic Floor Bible
Published - May 30th 2019
There are chapters on
1.What is your pelvic floor? Understanding your anatomy.
2. The ultimate guide to pelvic floor rehabilitation: Tools and techniques to build pelvic floor strength.
3.Will I ever trampoline again? How to understand and tackle stress incontinence.
4. Rushing to the loo: the overactive bladder and urge incontinence
5. Everything feels like it might fall out: Types of vaginal prolapse
6. Pregnancy, childbirth and the pelvic floor.
7. The menopause and beyond.
8. Sex and the pelvic floor
9.Your bowels.
10. Everyone has a pelvic floor : advice for men.
The most exciting day ever! Watching my book coming off the printing press, at Clay's in Bungay