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 The Pelvic Floor Bible by Jane Simpson  The ultimate guide to pelvic floor rehabilitation for everyone

My Story

I am the author of The Pelvic Floor Bible which is hoping to start a global pelvic floor revolution! I am completely passionate about pelvic floor health for men and women. It's time that this hugely important subject stopped being so taboo. I have spent 25 years caring for people with pelvic floor dysfunction at The London Clinic and it's time to spread the word.

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The Pelvic Floor Bible is a book designed to help men and women to understand their bodies better and to sort out what can be very embarrassing and distressing problems.

Available to purchase - Click here



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The Pelvic Floor Bible

 Published - May 30th 2019



There are chapters on

1.What is your pelvic floor? Understanding your anatomy.

2. The ultimate guide to pelvic floor rehabilitation: Tools and techniques to build pelvic floor strength.

3.Will I ever trampoline again? How to understand and tackle stress incontinence.

4. Rushing to the loo: the overactive bladder and urge incontinence

5. Everything feels like it might fall out: Types of vaginal prolapse

6. Pregnancy, childbirth and the pelvic floor.

7. The menopause and beyond.

8. Sex and the pelvic floor

9.Your bowels.

10. Everyone has a pelvic floor : advice for men.


The most exciting day ever! Watching my book coming off the printing press, at Clay's in Bungay


Jane Simpson
Continence Specialist and author of The Pelvic 
Floor Bible 

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